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شاكيرا تدعو لثورة إنسانية من أجل الطفولة (صور)

طالبت المغنية العالمية شاكيرا بضرورة الاستثمار في الطفولة مبكرا، خاصة مع التطورات العلمية الجديدة التي أوجدت تغيرا ثوريا في فهم الآثار الدائمة للحرمان والتوتر على عقول الأطفال الصغار في مرحلة النمو.

وقالت شاكيرا خلال مؤتمر صحفي أقيم في مقر يونيسيف في نيويورك إن على قادة العالم العمل معا من أجل معالجة هذه القضية الملحة، خصوصا وأن أكثر من 100 مليون طفل حول العالم لا يذهبون إلى المدارس، و159 مليون طفل تحت سن الخامسة يعانون من نقص الرعاية والتغذية المناسبة.

وشددت شاكيرا على ضرورة التركيز على الأطفال الذين يعانون جراء الظروف السياسية السيئة كالأطفال السوريين، ودعت إلى ضرورة إيجاد حلول ملائمة لاستيعابهم ورعايتهم، خصوصا في الدول الأوروبية.

On 18 December, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira greets a toddler as she learns how Bangladeshi women dry and sort rice in the village of Modhu Shudanpur in Rajshahi District. From 17 to 19 December 2007, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and internationally acclaimed Colombian singer Shakira Mebarak visited Bangladesh to call attention to the situation of children affected by Cyclone Sidr, a Category 4 storm that struck the country on 15 November. More than 3,000 people were killed during the cyclone and an estimated 2.6 million people, half of them children, were left in need of life-saving assistance. In Patuakhali, one of the districts devastated by the storm, Shakira visited a UNICEF-supported child friendly space, one of 60 created to provide recreation and psychosocial support to children affected by the cyclone. She also took part in the distribution of UNICEF family kits to children and women. The kits contain 14 essential household items, such as utensils, a bucket, and soap, designed to assist families who have lost their homes. In the north-western district of Rajshahi, Shakira toured two primary schools in small villages and met with adolescent girls from the UNICEF-supported Adolescent Empowerment Project ('Kishori Abhiham'). She also visited a centre for girls who live or work on the streets, as well as a learning centre for child labourers.
On 22 September 2015, (left-right) Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University Dr. Jack Shonkoff, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, Madame Yoo Soon-taek, wife of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira, and The Economist US Business Editor and New York Bureau Chief Matthew Bishop attend the panel and interactive discussion ‘Meeting of the Minds: Investing in Early Childhood as the Foundation for Sustainable Development’ at United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ). The high-level meeting, hosted by Mr. Lake and Goodwill Ambassador Shakira, brought together leaders from the public and private sectors, academia, UN organizations and civil society, media leaders and other participants to pledge their commitments to early childhood development. Secretary-General Ban was a panellist at the event. The meeting was followed by a press briefing – hosted by Mr. Lake, Goodwill Ambassador Shakira and Dr. Shonkoff – on the urgent need for increased investment in early childhood development globally. The high-level event and press briefing were held in the context of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on 15 September, and preceded the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit taking place 25–27 September at UNHQ.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira holds a baby at an emergency relief distribution centre for people affected by Cyclone Sidr in Potuakhali District. The infant's mother stands nearby. Clothing and UNICEF family kits are distributed to children and women at the centre. From 17 to 19 December 2007, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and internationally acclaimed Colombian singer Shakira Mebarak visited Bangladesh to call attention to the situation of children affected by Cyclone Sidr, a Category 4 storm that struck the country on 15 November. More than 3,000 people were killed during the cyclone and an estimated 2.6 million people, half of them children, were left in need of life-saving assistance. In Patuakhali, one of the districts devastated by the storm, Shakira visited a UNICEF-supported child friendly space, one of 60 created to provide recreation and psychosocial support to children affected by the cyclone. She also took part in the distribution of UNICEF family kits to children and women. The kits contain 14 essential household items, such as utensils, a bucket, and soap, designed to assist families who have lost their homes. In the north-western district of Rajshahi, Shakira toured two primary schools in small villages and met with adolescent girls from the UNICEF-supported Adolescent Empowerment Project ('Kishori Abhiham'). She also visited a centre for girls who live or work on the streets, as well as a learning centre for child labourers.

On 22 September 2015, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira speaks at a press briefing on the urgent need for increased investment in early childhood development globally, at United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ). The briefing, co-hosted with UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake and Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University Dr. Jack Shonkoff, followed the panel and interactive discussion ‘Meeting of the Minds: Investing in Early Childhood as the Foundation for Sustainable Development’, also at UNHQ. The high-level meeting, which was hosted and co-chaired by Mr. Lake and Goodwill Ambassador Shakira, brought together leaders from the public and private sectors, academia, UN organizations and civil society, media leaders and other participants to pledge their commitments to early childhood development. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was a panellist at the high-level event. The press briefing and meeting preceded the 2015 Sustainable Development Summit taking place on 25 September at UNHQ. Early childhood development serves as the foundation for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are meant to succeed the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals that were set in 2000, to be met by 2015.

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